Saturday, September 24, 2011


So, this is going to be a rather random post, but I felt like writing about it today.  Since I'm at a British school and working with mostly British people, I have picked up a few new terms.  Apparently it's rude to say "what" when you don't hear someone very well, and instead they say "pardon".  My students say "what" a lot, and every time this happens my cooperating teacher yells at them telling them how rude it is (they're getting better at remembering now).  It didn't take me long to realize that I had been saying it too!  Yikes!  Well, after I caught on to this, I apologized to my CT (cooperating teacher) and said that I would try to say "pardon" instead.  Easier said than done.

At first it just seemed so completely unnatural to me.  It almost pained me to say "pardon" because it just isn't a word that I use on a regular basis.  When you are used to using a particular expression in particular circumstances, it's hard to change your ways.  Well, I have been trying really hard to remember, and I realized that I've been pretty good this past week.  Not so much at the beginning of the week, but by Friday I was remembering most of the time.  It still feels slightly weird, but I'm getting better nonetheless.

Just another adjustment for me to make here in Spain.  One of many, but it's all good.

Pardon?  Did I hear you say, 'Good job, Kelly'?  Hehe :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly!
    I must figure out how to set up email updates, so that I know when you post. I just caught up on the last few days of your life in Spain. It is wonderful to hear about the Christians you are in contact with. God always sends a brother (or sister, as it were)!
    I suppose today is the first day you are visiting the house church. How is it?
