Monday, August 29, 2011

Three Days of Crazy

Three days.  That's all I've got.  I'm sitting on my bed, looking at my mess of a room, and thinking about all the things I have yet to do before I leave for Almuñécar, Spain.  Wow.  To be honest, I never thought this day would come.  Four years ago when I was just a "baby freshman", I had full intentions of studying abroad at some point during my college career.  I wasn't an Elementary Education major back then and I had no idea that student-teaching was something that could be done overseas.  Well, it didn't take me long to discover this after switching my major, and I can tell you that I've had my eye on Spain from the very start.  Why?  Simple: I'm minoring in Spanish and I want a chance to become more fluent (not to mention that this whole experience will look great on a resume).

So here I am, three days away from a dream that I've been talking about for years.  Is this really happening?

Despite all of the excitement and disbelief, I have to admit that I'm stressed.  Or maybe overwhelmed is a better word.  There is a lot to be done these next three days, and I have a feeling that Kelly is going to be going into "mission mode".  And yes, I did just refer to myself in the third person.  Well, at least I can cross "start a blog" off my list of things to do, right?